August: I was starting to get really nervous, but had confidence in both my ability and training I had put in. When I started this back on the 29th January, I made a promise to myself that I would not be on the start line thinking I could have done more. I really do feel that I couldn't have trained or given up anything else and that I was in the best possible shape to have a crack at winning.
I did the London Olympic race which is the largest triathlon in the world. It is really well organised and run and really encourages people to give triathlon a go. The distance I completed was 1500m swim, 38km bike and 10km run. I came 4th in my age group and 12th woman. I was so pleased with this result because I was using it as training and doing the things I would do for Ironman. Despite all of this I managed to do my fastest swim ever and get the fastest first lap in my age group on the bike. It gave me a massive boost for IMUK. I went into the race with wanting to do under 2:30 and to get under 42 min for 10km run. I managed a 2:22 and a 41:59 run! Just made it there!
I am going to do a separate race report blog for IMUK, it deserves it ;)
Here is my London Olympic race report:
I had such a fun day, I think I must be one of the few people who doesn't mind racing in the heat, reminds me of home! I was using the race as a training session for IMUK and to double check race kit, nutrition and practise transition. I had a good swim (the water was lovely!) but forgot how brutal women can be to each other in open water! At around the 500m mark I had one on either side bashing me, but a few strong kicks to either one of them and they backed off a bit! The chicks seemed to be swimming in formation because every few hundred metres everyone would start funnelling in towards the centre and then there would be another scuffle and everyone would fan out again. It actually worked for me because I swam a little harder to get out of the way. Came out of the water in the middle of the pack, and as always, grateful that the least favourite part of the day was over. Onto the bike and went out strong, at the first turnaround I was in 55th position in my wave which was of mixed ages. I loved that they had a couple of short hills in there toget over the bridges, I had this one girl who kept catching me on the flats but thankfully not even her full disk wheels could get her up the hills to enable her to overtake me. I could hear her coming for me in the tunnels, it sounded like a massive bird flying up behind me and I kept thinking I was going to be picked up and swept away! I have her to thank for pushing me along on the bike, it became a pride thing that I wouldn't give in to her in the last few KM's after fighting her all race. I was trying to hold back slightly because I was determined to run a sub 42 but that went out the window.Quick transition and out into the run, I was lucky to be in the first wave so I could easily count how many were ahead of me. Lots of people were suffering in the heat, but still everyone was giving encouragement to each other. I started the run in 15th place and worked with a couple of the girls to pick off some of the top 10. I started the 2nd lap of the run in 11th and worked my way down to finish 6th in my wave. My overall time was 2:20:59 which I am thrilled about because I went in secretly hoping to go under 2:30. According to the age group results, I got 4th (thats the 24-29 age group Graham!) and posted the fastest 1st lap on the bike (Thanks disk wheel girl!). It was a PB for me across the race, with a 30.09 swim, 1.02 bike and I managed 41.59 on the run, just made it in! I had Sam and 2 close friends waiting for me at the end, who all got wet sweaty hugs and kisses from me. I thought the race was really well organised and I love that there are plenty of people out there giving triathlon a go who had never raced before. There is loads of support from the crowd, lots of drink stations and people throwing water at you to cool you off. Everyone looks like they are having fun, especially when they have that medal hanging around their neck. Well almost everyone, not sure how happy the guy in the full penguin suit was, I am sure he would have been half roasted by the end, he certainly earnt his medal!
From Drunk Clown to… Sober? A Nebraska Hangover
3 weeks ago
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