04 February 2007
23:40:00 o'clock GMT Hearing Snow Patrol
Day 1 - Buying a bike - Carolyn Hewett
I have decided to keep a blog to track the journey that I am going to be taking to get my butt over the finish line on 19 Aug 2007 at Sherborne Castle ironman. I am under no illusion that it is going to be a tough one, but I figure if I am going to give up my life (and booze) for 7 months than I want to win my age group.
Ironman is 3.8km swim, 180km cycle and a 42km (marathon) run. I hope that this blog will also be useful to my friends and family who are not going to see me for the next 7 months so I can train to survive this thing! :)
I have never done an ironman before, but I like to do crazy races, and this fits right into that category! Last weekend I completed Tough Guy and still have the bruises to prove it! Tough Guy is a 15km cross country run then 26 obstacles including one that is electrified, another that is on fire, you have to swim under a bridge, swim through a lake and lots of climbing and mud. See some video... http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=93275B762D7BDD44
I went bike shopping today for a new bike after my beloved Claud (previous bike I spent a lot of time on) was buried in France last summer after a disasterous accident with a plane (him not me). Man, there are so many bikes out there and you can end up spending so much money on a bike. I doubt I am going to get out of this for under £1k, but I figure it is an investment if I am going to be spending around 10+ hours a week on it. I went to 4 different bike shops and the good news is they all pretty much said the same thing. I did meet a former German cycling champion (cute as well!) who thought I should spend £2k on a bike! Not likely pal...anyway...I have ordered in a Trek and a Secialized so I can test the difference. Lets see what happens.
The ironic thing is you spend £1k and you don't even get pedals with that!! I am definitely negotiating free pedals and free shoes!!
Went running and swimming tonight. Ran for 45 then swam for 30 mins. Should have done more as I am in the first phase of my training where I am getting my body used todoing more exercise than normal. Up until now I have been running for around 4-6 hours a week but January was both lazy and fat so I have to drop some weight and pick up the pace.
I really hate swimming. It is my weakest leg so I know I have to work hard on it and I will. Lots of time in the yucky pool :) There are lots of old hairy men there who really don't help with the motivation to go to the pool.
Corinna (my wonderful flatmate) is making me watch a bizarre documentary on a woman who gave birth to a child that had 'solidified' and turned to stone in her abdomen after 50 years. gross. so gross.
On that note...I am going to bed. Gnight!
From Drunk Clown to… Sober? A Nebraska Hangover
3 weeks ago
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