11 February 2007
18:07:27 o'clock GMT Feeling Happy
I got a beaaauuutttiiiiifffffuuuulll bike!
Yay!! Went to a Tri show yesterday and got a fab deal on a new 2007 road bike from Specialized. The guy from the shop was so helpful and is going to fit tri bars and so on. I get to pick it up on Wednesday. They also do free cycling coaching not far from me so I have joined that as well.
Yesterday was a very productive day, listened to lots of talks centered around ironman, nutrition, planning, sports psychology and swimming. It is quickly becoming apparent that these races are very targeted towards men, there is definetely a gap in the market there!
I met some great people yesterday who have done ironman before and they gave me lots of tips, especially around IMUK. They said the hills are draining, but I do have the advantage of being able to jump on a train and head out there to practise on them.
Had a fab bike session today, covered 35km in 57mins. Now if I can keep that up for 6 hours I will be very happy!! Also got in a great weights session. I am going to increase the amount of weights I am doing as this coach I was talking to said it far more important for women to be doing weights because men have an easier time building muscle, whereas us chicks have to really work at it.
I got called out as a volunteer in the ironman seminar yesterday to run through my plan, it quickly emerged that it needs tightening up! The other thing that won't be quite as easy is to lose a stone before August. I need to get under 9 stone to be as light as possible and maximise my efficiency.
It is quite frustrating that all the clothes made for triathletes assume that everyone is a C cup. It is virtually impossible to get a tri suit that fits me, and that is supportive. I have decided to make my own. I can't be the only women with this particular dilemma!
Have fun!
From Drunk Clown to… Sober? A Nebraska Hangover
3 weeks ago
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