About Me

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London, Glamoursmith, United Kingdom
This blog details my journey from February 2007 through my training and and preperation for what was initially Ironman UK in August 2007. Now having completed my 4th Ironman in 15 months I am preparing for the 2009 season as part of Team Wiggle supported by the fantastic guys at www.wiggle.co.uk

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Roll up! Roll up! 20 February 2007

12:43:31 o'clock GMT Feeling Happy
Roll up! Roll up!
Rollers! What an experience! The rollers are a fab workout, but difficult to get used to. I say that after I took a chunk out of my elbow when I fell into the wardrobe trying to master them this morning. I only managed 30 quality minutes on them as I spent the other 30 trying to stay upright!
Rollers are basically 3 rollers on a frame that you put the back when in between the 2 that are closest together and the front wheel sits on the top of the 3rd one. I preferred these to a turbo trainer as you have to work on your balance as well which is preferable to me. See the picture and you will know what I mean :)
Getting a little concerned that most of the people I meet who have done Ironman UK, or know about triathlon, make that face where they draw breath in between their teeth. The look of horror on my face usually prompts a 'oh, but I'm sure you will be fine...'
Really enjoying the Ironman Talk podcasts, I am still catching up but they do this great top 5 tips which is very useful. Also makes a nice change to listening to music when walking or training.
The swim coach I contacted is now in touch and we are having our first session on Saturday which I am looking forward to. I know I could be moving through the water a lot more efficiently so I hope he can help sort that out :)
Smile on! C x

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